Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Big Brother

Although someone may be watching you, Orwell's 1984 is not the subject of this blog; instead, I'm referring to Big Brothers Big Sisters, whose mission is "to help children reach their potential through professionally supported, one-to-one relationships with mentors that have a measurable impact on youth."


As most of you probably know (since I mentioned it on Facebook and The Mo-Board), I applied to be a Big Brother. My boss has been encouraging me to volunteer outside of work (he recognized a need to develop myself), I'm good with kids (I often babysat my nieces and nephews when they were younger), and I attended a networking breakfast last Saturday where I met another Big Brother who talked about the program, so I decided being a Big Brother would be a good opportunity for me.

I have an interview with the organization on Saturday. They'll get to know me, run a criminal background check (obviously - they wouldn't want predators working one-on-one with children), and begin contacting my references. I'm attending an orientation next Tuesday (a week after tomorrow), as well. I'm really looking forward to it. After all, I'm a kid at heart sometimes, and I'll enjoy playing video games, attending sporting events (*gasp* "Did Andrew just say he would attend sporting events?"), hiking, cooking, and hanging out with a child.

If I'm accepted into the program, I'll be sure to continue blogging about my experiences as a Big Brother. Which kind of leads me to my next issue; my last post only received ONE comment (thanks, Sally)?! Granted, I didn't write much to comment on, but that's beside the point. You need to step up and make it worthwhile for me to blog! :-p

Until next week...

EDIT: Make that two comments on my last entry. Just because I say "goodnight" doesn't mean I'm actually going to bed, James. :-)


  1. That is fantastic Anrew! I'm sure you would be great at that. What a big heart you have. There are so many young people out there that need a friend. I look forward to reading you blog about it.

  2. Thanks! I appreciate your kind words and support.

  3. So you don't count my comments as comments huh? How rude! At least you know I'm checking your blog though.


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